Saturday, March 6, 2010

Voyager and Pacifique now available at Binny's in Chicago

Great news for you folks in Chicago. Binny's is now carrying Voyager Gin and Pacifique Absinthe! Binny's also has an online order service for those of you folks not within the local area.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Rawstock--Short Film Festival at the ACT Theatre, Seattle.

A local medial production company called "Rawstock" is presenting a film festival featuring film shorts at Seattle's ACT Theatre.
Pacific Distillery is one of the sponsors:

Stevi Deter discovers another great drink using Voyager and Pacifique

Stevi Deter, a local cocktailian and blogger of infinite grace, has come up with a great cocktail called the "Atlantic Cocktail" which features both Voyager and Pacifique. Check out her blog:

Monday, March 1, 2010

Absinthe Night School

Monday, March 1, 2010
An Absinthe Soiree March 7th. Drinking Lesson number 14.

An Absinthe Soiree. Forget the Academy : The Green Goddess is better than the Red Carpet...

*With Robert Hess, Gwydion from Marteau Absinthe and *Marc from Pacifique Absinthe, and esteemed cocktail historian Paul Clarke. Held in the Fireside room - the more the merrier. This more casual drinking lesson is only $20 and includes absinthe tasting, history, tasty bites from the kitchen, and a bar selling several absinthe based cocktails. The evening will feature the sounds of French cabaret performers Nikki Dee & Bonnie Birch. Tickets here.

* they will show you how to drink copious amounts of the mythic spirit. It is in the ever luscious Fireside Room, there will be live cabaret music to get dizzy to...